Just this week Wily took up saying “I won the debate.”

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Yes, Richard, Yes. And talking about cats?

You might enjoy reading the recent letter from Sylvester the Cat that I just shared to my stack.

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...and the relationship never ends because someone in it is insane!

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Yes. They're both insane.

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Yep - it's pretty absurd!

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Yes, and the best commentary on the absurdity isn't from Sartre or Dostoevsky. It is sometimes from Looney Tunes.

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I don't even think Camus or Kafka have anything to say that Looney Tunes hasn't revealed to us already. I bet The Trial would make a good episode....

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I have a series of sermon notes and materials from a series I was working on dealing with cartoon characters and specific life issues from which I reworked and put together this essay. I guess the fancy shmancy way to say it would be that there may be more explorations in this same oeuvre somewhere down the line.

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That would be very interesting! Look forward to it!

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